Powered by LI.FI

Get to know about LI.FI

What is LI.FI?

A data mesh of cross-chain liquidity sources: cross-chain liquidity networks, bridges, DEXs, bridges, and lending protocols.

As a bridge and DEX aggregator, LI.FI can route any asset on any chain to the desired asset on the desired chain, thus providing a remarkable UX to their users.

All of this will be made available on an API/Contract level which comes as SDK, iFrame solution (deprecated), and as a widget for other developers to plug directly into their products. No need for users to leave your dApps anymore.

LI.FI in NillaConnect

Seamless Cross-chain Swaps

Simply click on the tab on the side of your screen to bring out the swap interface where you can swap your funds to any network you wish without having to leave the interface so you can continue your journey seamlessly.

Cross-Chain Yield Farming Strategies

Keep track of yields across multiple networks, deposit your funds in the best way possible, and find the most trustless and cheapest bridge with enough liquidity to deposit into the highest yield generating protocols.

Simply select your desired network and vault, and our system will handle the laboring process behind the scenes to help you successfully access your desired vault effortlessly.

Omni-Chain Money Markets

Users are able to borrow on different networks with the implemented relayer that enables dApps to communicate across chains to allow users to collateralize, borrow, and repay their loans across various networks.

Simply select the assets you want to borrow, on which network, the asset you want to collateralize, and you are all set. Our system will handle any logistics related to moving funds across chains, communication, and swaps.

Last updated