
How LI.FI ensures security

Frequent Audits

LI.FI audits frequently and uses a combinatory of public auditing (like Code4rena) and private auditing firms like Quantstamp and Spearbit. Read more on LI.FI's audits.

Bridge Risk Assessment

LI.FI has a full-time researcher analyzing bridges in depth. They publish their results on their blog. Take for example this 40+ page arbitrary messaging bridge comparison framework. They compare their results against public frameworks from sources like L2Beat, and work with companies like Consensys on in-depth bridge risk assessment.

Asset Risk Assessment

In a multi-chain world, bridges also affect the overall asset risk. Thus, LI.FI partnered up with Go+ Security to enrich their supported assets with their token vetting information.

SSL Encrypted Communication

Understand the quality of LI.FI's SSL encryption. On-demand, they can also support custom certificates and encryption mechanics.

Last updated